28th January 2024: Update
While there hasnt been a release of Folder Size Explorer for quite some time the website and the software will continue to be supported indefinately.
7th November 2020: Download URL updated to https
Updated the download link for Folder Size Explorer to use Google's https storage URL so that there is no warning regarding downloading from http.
10th June 2020: Folder Size Explorer Version 2.1
An updated release of Folder Size Explorer to version 2.1 is currently in progress and will be
released in the coming months...
4th March 2018: Folder Size Explorer Version 2.0 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- New: Summary pane which can summarise files by extension, date created, modified or accessed.
- New: Summary pane which groups files into dates by month and year.
- New: Double click any summary pane item to start a filtered search on that item.
- New: Search filters for date modified, date created and date accessed.
- New: Search filters for comparison operators - greater than, less than and equal too.
- New: Improved performance when searching files.
- New: Improved performance when calculating folder sizes.
- New: Improved performance when sorting items by size.
- New: Upgraded Folder Size Explorer from .Net Framework 4.0 to 4.6.
- New: Option to use generic icons when browsing folders to improve performance (enabled by default).
- New: Option to show 'Drive % free' instead of 'Drive % used' in the bottom status bar.
- New: Scroll to the current folder being calculated by double clicking the status bar progress label.
- New: Splash screen while Folder Size Explorer is loading drives.
- New: 'Refresh Subitems' item added to Folderview pane context menu (right click menu).
- New: 'Select All' and 'Select Inverse' items added to Fileview context menu.
- New: Custom message box created to replace the default Windows message box.
- New: Status column showing drive usage percentage for all drives at startup or when selecting the computer node.
- New: Sort progress status text when a large number of items listed in search results and column header clicked.
- New: Improved error logging window that lists errors much faster.
- New: Progress status text showing exactly what FSE is working on at all times.
- New: Text file logging. Moved to ProgramData\FolderSizeExplorer\FSE-log.txt
- New: File searches that are cancelled prematurely will still process items found up to that point.
- New: Main icon used for the desktop and the taskbar.
- Change: Windows XP & 2003 are no longer supported. Mapped network drives to these systems are still supported.
- Change: DigiCert 2 year SHA-256 Digital certificate used to sign FSE program files. (previously Symantec).
- Change: Bottom status bar shows elapsed time in minutes not secs if processing time is greater than 5 mins.
- Change: Status timer now starts from the moment folder is first selected rather than when size calculation starts.
- Change: 1.x Pro licences are valid for version 2.0. allowing free upgrade.
- Change: Colour used for 'disk space used' graphic in the bottom status bar.
- Change: Vertical spacing of items in the Folder view pane - 2 pixels per item.
- Change: Reduced the frequency of status updates from 250 to 333 milliseconds when calculating items.
- Change: Reduced the frequency of status updates when FSE is minimized to the taskbar.
- Change: Reduced the delay when browsing through folders while folder size calculation is in progress.
- Change: Normal Window state location,size and splitter distance is now remembered even if closed while maximised.
- Change: Timeout for a slow responding network folder is now 30 seconds.
- Change: All URLs pointing to folder-size-explorer.com now use https.
- Change: Toolbar icons cleaned up to improve appearance.
- Fix: Bug that could cause Folder Size Explorer to crash unexpectedly.
- Fix: Bug that caused the status bar disk usage graphic to disappear when FSE minimized or covered by window.
- Fix: Bug that caused the elapsed time in the status bar changed to 0 secs if FSE was minimized.
- Fix: Bug that caused the elapsed time in the status bar displayed 0 secs if processing was more than an hour.
- Fix: Bug that caused the folder/file count to sometimes display -1 at the start of the sizing process.
- Fix: Bug that caused the folder/file status to show negative if processing was cancelled before finishing.
- Fix: Bug that caused the selected items in the Foldview pane not to copy, delete or update correctly.
- Fix: Bug that caused the bottom status bar to redraw incorrectly if items being added while main window resized.
- Fix: Bug that caused the selected drive to change when it was right clicked and properties selected.
- Fix: Bug that caused the right click Fileview menu to prompt with an error if no items were listed.
- Fix: Bug that caused the incorrect path to be displayed in the title of the access error log window.
- Fix: Minor fixes, changes and optimisations.
29th Feb 2018: TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Disabled
Please note that TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 has been disabled on all Bazwise websites. All modern browsers support TLS 1.2 so it shouldnt affect your browsing unless you
are using unsupported versions of Internet Explorer. If you have any issues please email support@folder-size-explorer.com
26th Jan 2018: New release due in February
The latest version of Folder Size Explorer is just about ready for release and should be available for download
in a few weeks!
25th Apr 2017: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.7.2 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added "Open containing folder" to right click popup menu in search pane.
- Added tooltip popup to drive bar graph that shows the drives usage stats when you hover the mouse over it.
- Added additional status text when waiting for network folder to open.
- Added "Feedback" to options menu on main toolbar.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a long delay when the stop button was pressed during search.
- Fixed a bug that caused columns to change order if "right click refresh" was selected during size calculation.
- Fixed tooltip popups for the bottom status strip which were showing off screen when FSE was maximized.
- Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.
23rd Oct 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.7.1 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Changed the search status summary information to make it more concise.
- Changed link folders so that they are not included in folder size calculations.
- Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.
25th Sep 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.7.0 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added the option to show file sizes grouped by file extensions in a new window pane.
- Added the option to automatically run a search if any of the above file extensions are double clicked.
- Added the option to add or remove icons and features from the main toolbar.
- Added the option to show file sizes in Terabytes (TB).
- Added the option to calculate SHA-512 checksums.
- Changed the thread limit implementation and drop-down options to improve accuracy and control.
- Changed the size of the disk space graphic in the bottom status bar to improve visibility.
- Changed the look and position of a few items in the bottom status bar.
- Changed FSE status updates during calculation from 200 to 250 milliseconds.
- Changed FSE status updates to also occur during access denied errors.
- Digitally signed FSE files with the latest SHA-256 code signing certificate from Symantec.
- See https://www.symantec.com/code-signing/ for code signing overview.
- Fixed bug that changed column order when selecting "refresh all items" in context menu while calculating.
- Fixed bug that could cause incorrect size calculations if file or folders deleted while calculating.
- Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.
19th Jun 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.6.0 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added automatic updating of the directory sizes when deleting files and folders.
- The recycle bin still needs to be emptied via the toolbar icon to update the free space shown on the drive.
- Added a recycle bin that now automatically detects whether to show a full or empty icon.
- Added a timestamp to the directory status strip.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused message windows to pop up with errors.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a long timeout when a network drive was unreachable.
- Fixed a bug which reduced the thread limit when 'path to long' IO exception occurred.
- Changed the style of a few of the main window components.
- Changed thread limit to auto reduce itself by 2 each time it detects network timeouts (reverts when calc completes).
- Changed the position of the Recycle Bin icon in the tool bar to make it a little more accessible.
- Changed licence check to always look for valid 'commercial use' licences in \ProgramData\FolderSizeExplorer\*
- Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.
8th May 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.5.0 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added the option to show 14 additional columns of information for files and folders.
- Added Columns: date created, date accessed, attributes, owner, company, file description & version.
- Added Columns: shared, folder path, folder, path, sharing status, product name & version.
- Added the ability to open FSE logs from the settings menu.
- Fixed some bugs that occurred when running FSE on non-English systems.
- Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.
2nd May 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.4.1 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Fixed bug in drive space bar graphic. Text was showing incorrect percentage value.
- Fixed bug in drive space bar graphic. Bar disappeared when minimizing or resizing FSE.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
22nd April 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.4.0 Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Folder Size Explorer full non-beta version released.
- Added the ability to search files and folders by size.
- Added new graphic showing the disk space used and free for the current drive.
- Added the option to export file and folder listing to tab seperated values files.
- Added the option to export file and folder listing to semi-colon seperated values files.
- Added the option to export file and folder listing to pipe seperated values files.
- Added the option to export file and folder listing to tilde seperated values files.
- Added help to the settings button drop-down menu in the toolbar. Added help page to the website.
- Added new toolbar background images.
- Changed the progress bar so that it increases between folder calculations.
- Changed the "Up" toolbar button so that it also affects the selected folder in the left pane.
- Changed the licence agreement. Folder Size Explorer is now free for non-commercial and personal use only.
- Checksums on some systems may not calculate - see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/811833
- Improved stability and speed of folder size calculation.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
1st March 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.3.1 Beta Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Fixed bug which caused FSE to open as small blank window when user config settings became corrupted.
- Add the ability to start FSE in a specific directory by adding a path as a command line parameter.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
4th January 2016: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.3.0 Beta Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Fixed bug in column sorting for non-English systems.
- Fixed bug where non-English systems showed the wrong separator character for numbers.
- Fixed bug in export to csv for non-English systems where number separator wasn't being removed.
- Improved stability and speed of folder size calculation.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
7th September 2015: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.2.0 Beta Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added 'Empty Recycle Bin' button to the toolbar.
- Improved stability and speed of folder size calculation.
- Improved search for files and folders so that its more responsive.
- Changed the bottom status bar to show the current drives used space instead of free space.
- Changed icon of stop/cancel button so that it doesnt look like a delete icon.
- Updated digital certificate used to sign FSE assemblies as it was due to expire.
- Updated the licence agreement.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
3rd December 2014: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.1.2 Beta Released
There was a major bug that caused the beta to
timeout. Its now been fixed.
Click here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Fixed Beta expiry bug!
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
2nd September 2014: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.1.1 Beta Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Fixed major bug with taskbar progress that prevented FSE from
working on Windows 2008 Release 1.
- Fixed bug in taskbar progress where it would not always reset.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
1st July 2014: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.1.0 Beta Released
here to
download this release
Changes in this release:
- Added progress bar to Folder Size Explorer in Windows taskbar.
- Added a prompt confirming restart when you press escape if
adding items is taking to long.
- Improved stability and folder size calculation speed.
- Changed the default toolbar background to the Windows
default on Windows 2003 and XP machines
- Re-signed the FSE exe files with latest certificate from
- Re-compiled Folder Size Explorer with latest version of
Microsoft Visual Studio
- Fixed bug causing GUI to stop responding sometimes when
changing folders or trying to cancel size calculations.
- Fixed start-up issue where main GUI could take some time
before appearing on systems with slow network drives.
- Fixed bug where error would result if logs button was
clicked twice.
- ixed bug that might arise when sorting columns for
non-English systems.
- Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.
26th May 2014: Folder Size Explorer Version 1.0 Beta Released
After many months of coding and testing Folder Size
Explorer (FSE) has now been released and can be downloaded for free
The website has also been updated to coincide with the initial release of
Folder Size Explorer version 1.0. Feel free to send any comments,
suggestions or bugs to